Wednesday, April 1, 2020

List and Describe Five Commonly Used Blood Chemistry Tests

List and Describe Five Commonly Used Blood Chemistry TestsList and describe five commonly used blood chemistry tests. Having blood drawn for the purpose of performing these tests is not uncommon. Here are some ideas on how to do this.There are five common types of blood samples, and all of them are taken in a lab by a technician. One type that is the most common is a venipuncture. In this type of test, the technician draws a small tube-like device that is attached to a tube, to collect the blood and send it for analysis. It takes about a minute for the blood to be drawn.Another type of blood sample is a venipuncture on an IV. The technician will usually lay down a line of puffy gloves, so that the subject can't move. In some cases, he or she will also use special medications that are used to numb the skin. Then, a needle will be inserted into the arm or leg, and the blood is drawn.A third type of blood sample is by mouth. This takes longer than IVs, but the results are not as extensi ve. Oral samples can take several hours to collect, so two separate individuals must be involved in the process.A fourth type of test is a finger-stick test. It works the same way as a finger prick, but the patient must place their finger into a cup that is filled with a solution containing a chemical solution that will cause their own blood to break down and get into the sample for analysis. The difference between finger prick and a test like this is that a needle is used.The fifth type of test is called a capillary blood sample. This is the type of sample that a family doctor would give his patient, if they were trying to monitor a child's blood pressure. This sample is collected by means of a cannula, which is a thin flexible tube that is inserted into the blood vessels of the arm.After the test is performed, the blood sample is sent to a lab. There, the blood is broken down, tested for substances that are found in it, and results are given. The lab will send you the results in t he mail.Knowing how to list and describe five commonly used blood chemistry tests is helpful for patients. Having the right information can save them money and heartache. It is essential to be familiar with these tests so that you will know what type of sample is needed, when to get it, and the results.